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原文配信日時 2015.02.12 20:47 ファン・ソンウン記者 写真10asiaDB

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.

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post date title description
01.18.2010 Augue non nibh Commodo 刃 牙 スロット vestibulum hdhdh djdjdj djdjdj
01.18.2010 Fusce ut diam Purus in eget odio in sapien
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